So, What The Heck Happened?!

So as you all well know, our spring line was suppose to release some time ago, and by some time ago I mean a few months ago.  We felt it’s time to let you guys know what’s taking so long and why we still haven’t released anything.  Before I even get into that though I want to sincerely apologize for the wait and I promise to make it up to you, I’m just as disappointed as some of you are about this and we’re doing everything we can to get this resolved as soon as possible.

In the beginning we planned on releasing what was going to be the biggest line we have ever had.  It consisted of 100 shirts(3 tees and one new surprise product) and at first everything was going great, the designs turned out awesome and we started getting ready to order the shirts…and here is where we went wrong.  Up until this point we had always used Threadbird for our printing, but in an effort to lower our prices we found another screen printer who could do what we needed for a lower price(or so they claimed) and after ordering some samples of their previous work and deciding it all checked out okay, we went ahead and placed our order.

A few weeks later we finally got to approve the initial mock up of the tees and get the order into production.  When we eventually did receive the shirts, we couldn’t believe the quality they came to us in…the shirts were ripped, stained, and the ink was even smudged on some of them.  Me and Alyssa constantly strive to provide the best products we can to you and in no way could we ever even think about selling these.  We went to great lengths to make this line something special, something way better than anything we’ve done before and we’ll do whatever it takes to provide that to you.

Right now as I type this, the shirts are on a UPS truck on their way back to the printer to be “reviewed” and then if they decide they are deserving of a reprint we’ll have brand new shirts shipped back to us.  We’re keeping our fingers crossed tightly that they’ll replace the shirts for us, but if they won’t then we’ll be getting them reprinted somewhere else.  Obviously we can’t promise anything as far as an exact date for the new release, but we’re optimistic that it will be within the next month or two.

Again I will say how sorry I am, I’ve been talking with all of you over Twitter & Facebook and I’ve been hyping this thing up for so long.  I feel like I have let you all down and I swear I will make up for it.  All of the Angry Spade fans mean so much to me and your continued support is what has kept me doing this during the hard times.  Please bear with us on this bump in the road.

Much Love ❤
Jen Morgan
Angry Spade Clothing Co.

PS- You can use the discount code LIVEANDLEARN for 25% off of everything in our store until the new line drops.

2 responses

  1. Keep your chin up, Jen – your brand speaks for itself. Your fans will stick by you and this will be all in the past some day.

    Stay positive and everything will work out!

    June 17, 2011 at 2:42 PM

    • You’re right Kelly, that is exactly what Angry Spade stands for. Staying positive and always remembering that everything has an opposite. Thanks so much for the kind words.


      June 17, 2011 at 2:47 PM

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